So much drama.

Welcome to the whimsical and fantastical world of moi. A Media Assistant by day and a superhero by night. I have an affinity for brooding vampires and unique ideas.

Here you will find no answers, only more questions. I like to think of this as an epiphany in progress.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

:|> (created by Shakespeare the house elf)

I have a confession to make. I am irrevocably and unconditionally (switched on purpose so I don't get sued) in love with brooding vampires. If you didn't know this already then you were not paying attention to my cute blog opener and you’re probably living under a rock.

Sadly it appears that I am not alone in this utterly ridiculous love for fanged creatures of the night that suck on your blood and make you swoon (from lack of blood I suspect). I have chosen to write about this because tonight on Channel Go! A digital channel here in Australia, the second season of The Vampire Diaries is airing at 8.30pm EST. And all I have been able to think about today at work other than Junior MasterChef are the brooding Salvatore brothers. What is it about these vampires other than their otherworldly beauty that makes them attractive to us mortal girls who are just conveniently single should the opportunity arise to date these fictitious characters? Well they are ying and yang, a perfect whole, the ideal man/men. Stefan would die to protect you and Damon would die to eat the literal sense – not the sexual sense...though both would be interesting.

Recently we’ve been bombarded with touchy feely redeemed do gooder vampires and I was all for that – Edward was my new love; I had never felt so sure of anything in my life. That is until I met Eric Northman one night and my view of vampires changed. You see the fragile vampire is good. He wants to do right by the world. He won’t drink your blood. He won’t even kiss you for fear of hurting you.

But what if you like it rough?

What if you are of the Eric or Damon philosophy, where vampires are immortal creatures who possess the ability to crush you in one fell swoop? Doesn’t sound as appealing as the Stefan’s and Edward’s of the world but if you’ve ever read the Vampire Diaries or Trueblood series I’m sure you’d see where I’m coming from.

Twilight sees a bite from a vampire bringing death – painful and terrifying and if you survive you’re doomed to live a life without a soul, sounds like epic awesome fun! But in the world of Eric Northman being bitten is equivalent to the most amazing sex of your life. Sounds like a fair trade off if we’re being honest.

The original vamp bad boy however was doomed from the beginning. If he gave into his instincts he would lose his soul. If he were experience pleasure he would lose his soul. I am of course referring to Angel of the Buffy fame.

What I can tell you is this. I am torn between the brothers, each possessing qualities that make for the perfect man. I can tell you one thing more. If I spent less time obsessing over said vampire brothers I may in fact have a real life boyfriend...but I’d spend my days trying to compare him.

To make matters worse I’ve just realised that I was able to rant fairly decently over vampires...I should get back to work.



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