So much drama.

Welcome to the whimsical and fantastical world of moi. A Media Assistant by day and a superhero by night. I have an affinity for brooding vampires and unique ideas.

Here you will find no answers, only more questions. I like to think of this as an epiphany in progress.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Hey Jude.

So let me spell it out for you. J-U-D-E L-A-W.

Usually I would be able to leave it at that and most of you would nod your heads in agreement. Despite the receding hairline and penis indiscretions when it comes to members of the opposite sex, he is undeniably a god like creature with an on screen presence that is wondrous and highly likeable. Sadly he hasn’t really been in much of late. That is until a dear friend of mine that I shall refer to as ‘Man Handler’ posted a link upon my FB wall. A link that would forever change how I viewed men fragrances.

You see I’m what you’d call an ad kid. That is until I stumbled into a little known and yet highly lucrative industry that we in the business call Media. Yep, catchy and totally intriguing title. So what does that mean? It means that I’m a crazy, magical hybrid of the ad kid and the media kid. I can’t think of an awesome name just yet but when I do you’ll be the first to know. Anyway back on point. So being an adesque kid means that I’m naturally drawn to the things in life that you tend to mute, literally mute out. I am of course referring to advertising. As part of the new Dior Homme range, Dior and the ever great, ever fantastic Guy Ritchie of the Sherlock Holmes and Rock n Rolla fame, teamed up to produce an enthralling 5 minute video Un Rendez Vous. The premise of the story? A simple phone conversation that leads to a suggestive climax, brilliantly shot in a manner befitting of Ritchie.

I implore you to watch the link I have provided because this is a classic example of unique advertising at its best. Not in idea, but in execution. (I'll embed it as soon as I can).



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