So much drama.

Welcome to the whimsical and fantastical world of moi. A Media Assistant by day and a superhero by night. I have an affinity for brooding vampires and unique ideas.

Here you will find no answers, only more questions. I like to think of this as an epiphany in progress.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hendrix in Wonderland

I would like to draw your attention to the above image.
I have decided that it is high time someone (i.e. me) post amazing and magical images, music, videos, and other wordly ideas that will freak your freak and speak to your inner geek in epic and gnarly ways. 

The artist captured the essence of Jimi Hendrix - Fucked to the point of no doubt being an Alice in Wonderland character in his own mind but having a rockin' time doing it. A lot of people saw Hendrix as a drug user and great musician - he was both, so they were astute observations on behalf of the twat brigade. But he was also more, I might even go as far as to say that the man was a brave son of a bitch who experimented to the point of addling his brain to experience things that others had only dreamt about. His music and ideas transcend era, age, race, sex and religion and join us in such a way that we're all just spawn of good music.

If I were wearing a top hat right now, I'd tip it for him.



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