So much drama.

Welcome to the whimsical and fantastical world of moi. A Media Assistant by day and a superhero by night. I have an affinity for brooding vampires and unique ideas.

Here you will find no answers, only more questions. I like to think of this as an epiphany in progress.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

By way of an introduction...


So let's get this straight. Blogs - not my thing. But according to some slightly deranged people around my office, I have a knack for writing in a witty and humorous fashion. I tend to refer to this as my well mastered sarcasm but they tend to disagree.

So here we are.

What are you aiming to do? You ask dramatically as you shake your computer screen in frustration. Let us consider this a blog for all things Media (slash) Advertising (slash) Creative ideas. I've recently had friends complain that I molest my Facebook page with way too much cool shit, so let's bring this mother to the blogging world.

Welcome to the curiouser and curiouser mind of moi.

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